My Thoughts After Processing the Face Off Debate

I believe in God. I believe in angels and dark forces. I believe there is an enemy who wants to take me out because I am a child of God. I believe he wants to do this to get back at God. I know everyone has their ideas about what good and evil is and I have heard lots of those ideas. But for me, what it boils down to is this....God is good and if God is good, satan is evil. Who's side do you think I'm going to choose. Life choosing God has been the most painful, heart-wrenching, sacrificing experience of my life. But I still choose God, because there is a God and there is a devil, and he will use any opportunity to take me out and render my useless. He will use any opportunity to steal, kill, and destroy all the God has prepared for me. I choose God.

Heavy Sigh

Oh the life of a stay at home mom. I don't know a whole lot of people with kids my age so I've often found myself feeling a little like a pioneer as far as the parenting thing. It's not a bad thing, but when you are trying to raise kids to no conform to the society around them it's not easy. Today is just one of those days. You know, when you wake up and feel like you can take on the world only to find out that you no longer live on now live on Mars. I suppose it's time to learn all I can about Martians.

Prayer...It Does A Spirit Good

Okay so it's no secret that our business has been slow and money is scarce, but despite all that we are holding on the the knowledge that God is in control and is able to meet all of our needs. So, we've been praying a lot lately as things get a little hectic and asking God to help us trust in Him and His ability to provide for even the smallest details. Here was His answer.

Someone was praying for our family yesterday. Someone, who knows our situation, lifted our family up in prayer. Someone else, responded to that prayer at God's bidding, and helped to meet a great need we have. The particulars of the need isn't important. The fact that God spoke to that person, and that person was obedient is important. In addition, another door was opened and some of the details we've been concerned about were met. I am blown away. Just when you start to wonder how God is going to come through and just when you start to lose hope, things like this happen. I usually prefer to be on the other end of this story, but I understand how important it is for me to be on this end. It's important for me to know that an act of obedience can change a life, and it's important for me to share this with you.

Now to get on my soap box
If God has put it on your heart to do something....DO IT! Look how greatly this person has touched our hearts. They have no idea what they have set into motion. Their obedience has inspired us to keep plowing ahead. Their obedience to God has sparked in us the hope that God's people are alive and well. Their obedience has sparked in us the realization that God is watching our life and is concerned about the details that we spend so much time worrying about. As I write, I am receiving phone calls from my husband telling me that details I have been handing over to God and trying not to stress about are being taken care of by people who are watching and acting. Your act, could be an answer to prayer. Do no underestimate your act of obedience. This act of obedience has set into motion a chain of events that will change our lives and the life of one young man who the world tried to throw away. Don't you want to be a part of something like that? I do.

A Glimpse of Eternity

It's a funny thing to me, this serving God thing. I've always found that when I get weary in life and find myself on the brink of quitting, I remind God that I'm here and that I could really use a reason to not jump. He has always been faithful. He shows me a glimpse of eternity in those I serve whether it be a kind word, a realization they have come to, or just the sight of God growing in their hearts. It's enough to keep me going. It's enough to give me the courage to hold my sword and shield up a little longer. I also find it funny that the next morning that same person will nearly miss a ride to school and forget to take out the trash because the snooze bar was attacked too many times. No worries, I know God is growing there and isn't that really what it's all about, planting a seed and knowing it is taking root?

Dressed For War With No Where To Go

Today I want to write about something important, something meaningful. I feel as though I am alive and awake and aware of the ongoing assault on our human spirits and find myself desiring to fight back against the unseen enemy. Even as I type I find I hesitate. I hesitate to speak of unseen enemies. I hesitate to speak of unseen things that are at work. As I have these thoughts I remember the words of the Usual Suspects Verbal, The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. Do we as Christians believe this unseen enemy exists? Is our lack of belief what has us in our current state? The Christians I watch are either too busy fighting amongst themselves, trying to keep their heads above water, or content in the comfort of their pews. When do we begin to put on the armor of God that Paul speaks of in Ephesians? I suppose I am growing weary of religiosity and we good people who stand by and do nothing about it. I am growing weary of seeing so many people in need of God and doing nothing. I am growing weary of those who hurt and weep for a lack of God and doing nothing. I am growing weary of having the desire to take on the unseen enemy and doing nothing. I have spent my whole life preparing for spiritual what?