Broken Hearts and Tough Decisions

WOW!  Friday's events were more than I bargained for.  It has taken me 16 hours to take in the weight of it all.  I wasn't even able to speak about my reaction to it until 12 hours later.  My heart was broken for people.  I have never had that happen before.  I made the comment to a dear friend of ours that I have spent years as a Christian without having my heart broken for people...I then joked, "Can I really say I've lived the life of a Christian if my heart has not been broken?".  I watched a brave group of people decide to shut down a school.  Their hearts were heavy with the decision.  I then watched the same group of people make the decision to merge with another school.  They made the decision I feel was in the best interest of their community, but I could tell they understood the weight of the decision and, much like Frodo, they wished this task was not theirs to bear.
I'm left with a desperate feeling that there is something I should do to help, but our family is still trying to decide how our family will move forward with regards to this decision.  I wish only to be helpful.  I wish only to make a difference.  I wish most of all to be an example of the awesome God who I love and serve.  How to do that remains to be seen.