Have a Great Valentine's Day

Today I'd like to take some time and honor my Valentine.  My honey and I have been married for 14 years.  We've known each other for 17 years.  He is the love of my life and I thank God for him every day.  I have been honored to be the witness to his life and to have his as the witness of mine.  I've been keeping track this week of the romantic things he does for me.There are more than I can list so in honor of Valentine's day, I will only list 14.

~ Made sure the dishes were done even though he was tired, because he knew I'd been shuttling kids around all afternoon including a last minute shopping trip for Valentine's day class cards.
~ Joined me in helping the kids to get their Valentine's day cards finished.
~ Refilled the sweet n low bowl.
~ Prepared coffee for me every morning so that I could wake up to fresh brewed coffee smells.
~ Picked up my prescription on his way home.
~ Reminded me to take my meds because he knows I have no brain in the morning.
~ Brought me a glass of water to take my meds with.
~ Sent me text messages during the day to tell me how much he appreciated my contribution to the family.

~ Transferred the laundry from the washer to the dryer because he knows my shortness makes this a difficult task for me.
~ Opens the car door for me and gets frustrated when I open it for myself.
~ Got dinner started because he got home before we did and knew the kids would be hungry.
~ Lets me put my cold feet on his warm feet.
~ Allowed me to be a stay home mom even though he works like a mule to keep the bills paid.
~ And finally, He loves Jesus with all of his heart and that is incredibly romantic to me.

It's easy to overlook the every day tasks our man does as his expression of love.  It's easy to mourn over the lack of flowers, jewelry, and sweet loves notes.  I love those things as much as the next gal, but men are a gender of action and if you take a minute and pay attention, we will see they are screaming out their love for us in their own practical ways. 
Now before you start commenting on how easy I've got it, let me remind you, I give him three essential things.  These love acts are his response to my providing for three of his needs.
1. I pray for him when he frustrates me rather than talk him to death (God's better at getting through to him than I am.  I admit it freely.)
2. I tell him how proud I am of him and what an awesome husband and father he is.  He loves to hear it, why not say it?
3. Physical contact.  I heard a wise woman once say, "Go to sleep with one part of your body touching his."  Enough said.

I do these three things and in return I get a multitude of daily love acts.  I'd love to see every wife have a husband who cherishes her.  I'd love to see every husband have a wife who believe he is the hero of the home.  This blog post is me doing my part to see that vision become a reality.  Hey, ya can't blame a gal for trying, right?
Have a Great Valentine's Day