Waking the Dead

I'm reading John Eldredge's book Waking The Dead and I can feel the revolutionary in me beginning to be stirred up. I don't know if it's a mid-life crisis or what happens to a person before they start making thier life count for God, you can judge that for yourself. However, the view he presents on the life of a person who is in a passionate love affair with the Most High is starting to awaken something in me that has been silent for quite some time. For the first time, since I was a kid, I am beginning to hope that maybe one person can change the world. Maybe there is a place for a person as intense and passionate as I am. Maybe I can use my power for good instead of evil.
Here's an excerpt...
Yes, the heart is the source of our emotions. but we have equated the heart with emotion, and put it away for a messy and even dangerous guide.....Emotions are the voice of the heart, to borrow Chip Dodd's phrase. Not the heart, but its voice. They express the deeper movements of the heart, as when we weep over the loss of someone we love, or when we cheer at the triumph of a son's team at the state championships. The mind stands detached, but it is with the heart that we experience and respond to life in all it's fullness. Francis de Sales said, "Love is the life of our heart. According to it we desire, rejoice, hope and despair, fear, take heart, hate, avoid things, feel sad, grow angry, and exult."
John Eldredge ~ Waking the Dead