Meanwhile Back At The Pyramid...

My reading has taken me to the life of Moses. This is a story we all think we've heard a million times. But today, as I was reading the first two chapters of Exodus I noticed a trend in the life of Moses. He was compelled to take up the cause of the underdog. It starts with his walk through the neighborhood. He notices "one of his own people" being beaten by an Egyptian. He intervenes, which results in death for the Egyptian. The next day he notices two Hebrews in a disagreement and again goes to intervene. This time he is called on his actions from the previous day and is compelled to take it on the run. Now, as he is on the run he comes across the seven daughters of the Midian priest, Reuel. They are being harassed by shepherds trying to take over the watering hole. Again, Moses comes to the rescue.
What I noticed about these stories is that this is the man who will lead the Israelites to freedom. This is the man who will intervene on their behalf before Pharaoh under the direction of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I operated under the assumption that God called Moses to do something he didn't even want to do, and that God called Moses to do something that was outside of his nature to do. I am starting to think I was wrong. Moses always had a soft spot for the Hebrew people. I believe that is why God chose him to lead the same people out of Egypt. God didn't force Moses to function outside of who he was, God called Moses to take who he was to a higher level. God created Moses and he knew what was in Moses' heart to do. God asked Moses to fulfill his purpose. God gave Moses His approval. Of course Moses was freaked out! Moses knew it was something that needed to be done, and God knew Moses was the man for the job.
So today I ask the question, what things do I feel compelled to do? Do they fit with those things I have always felt passionate about? Is that a way for me to decide whether or not they fit into God's plan for my life? Already I can think of one thing that doesn't fit into what I have always felt a passion for. This view could change everything.