Ten Commandments

Dad (God) has been talking to me lately about teaching the kids to have a quiet time. I wasn't sure how to go about it. He suggested I start teaching them the Ten Commandments. I'm not sure if you realize this or not, but it's hard to teach the Big Ten to a 7 and 8 year old. I wanted them to understand what the rules meant in their world today. When you get to no graven images, you have to do a little explaining and then apply it to today. Well, I am glad to report that it has been going better than I thought it would. I have been sitting down with each commandment at the end of my personal quiet time and asking Dad to help me put the command into terms they'll understand for a long time. He gives me the insight I need and I present it to the kids. They love it! After we have talked about the commandment for about 10 minutes i have them either write what it means to them or draw a picture of what it means to them. Their pictures have been fabulous. I love seeing how it is interpreted in their minds. After they are done with their pictures I ask them to write a prayer to God. These prayers have touched my heart more than I realized they would. I don't always get to read them all. Sometimes my son asks me not to read his prayer. I respect his request. It's his relationship with God and I don't want him to feel that I have intruded on it.
As I watch their young minds grasp the concept of God's rules I understand how simple the rules are to learn and how difficult they are to live. When we got to commandment #1, we really learned some things about ourselves we were not ready to admit. Things like the X-Box can become a god, the Wii can become a god, even people can become gods. It has been neat to watch them take that knowledge into their day and use it.
In case you are interested here is just a sample of what is being posted in our home class to remind us of the commandments we have learned so far.

Commandment #1
No other gods. Only me. Kid application ~ If it takes my focus off of God it could become a god.


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