Things That Happen

As I am reflecting on the week, I must admit I feel a sense of accomplishment. I have used different parenting techniques this week and have seen some positive changes. It's required a little more intestinal fortitude then I thought I had, but I surprise even myself sometimes. I've finished off those little tasks that I've been procrastinating on. Why I procrastinate I'll never know...I'll have to find the answer to that one...tomorrow.
We've also gotten a story written about our men's volleyball team. You can check out what has been said about our Eagles here. It was so neat for the guys to have something written about their efforts this year. We are excited to see what the season holds.
Finally, the decisions we are looking to make, are somewhat intimidating but it is so nice to know that no matter what we decide, we are in God's hands. Change used to freak the tortillas out of me, but I'm no longer afraid of what change holds. Changes that we go through have been difficult from time to time, but we've always come through strong with our DAD'S (I refer to God here) help. He's never let us down. He's always seen us through. And He's always taught us something about who we are and what strengths and weaknesses He sees in us. We are truly blessed and as we approach this weekend of much needed rest we know we are in His care, whether we are safe or not is another question.


Travis Hart said...

Congratulations Johnny. I am proud of you. You have worked hard to get to this point. Now go have some fun. You rock.

Travis Hart said...

Angie, None of this would be possible without you. It was said best in Big Fat Greek Wedding "The man may be head of the house, but the woman is the neck and tells the head where to turn." You both are great people. Keep it up!

Travis Hart said...

Congratulations Johnny. I am proud of you. You have worked hard to get to this point. Now go have some fun. You rock.

Travis Hart said...

Angie, None of this would be possible without you. It was said best in Big Fat Greek Wedding "The man may be head of the house, but the woman is the neck and tells the head where to turn." You both are great people. Keep it up!