I Am Qualified To Be A Parent

I’ve begun reading a book by Dr. Laura Schlessinger titled Stupid Things Parents Do To Mess Up Their Kids. If you are looking for an honest look at parenting in American today, you’ll want to check it out. It very bluntly discusses her views on what is wrong with the parenting mentality in today’s society and how it can be corrected. It’s harsh and may offend many who have read it or will read it, but it’s a good read so far, even if it is a little slower than her more current books.

That being said, this book pointed out a flaw in my parenting mentality, which leads me to a realization. Sidebar, I hope I am always having realizations about my parenting. These realizations let me know I am always evolving as a parent. Okay so back to the realization, I know something about being a human being and therefore I am qualified to raise my children. I am not stupid, dumb, ignorant, unreasonable (although that can be argued from time to time), or incapable. I have survived to this point without killing myself. I am relatively happy. I am somewhat productive. I contribute to my community. I am qualified to speak on the topic of being a successful human being.

True story, I found myself asking my 7-year-old today whether or not she needed water for her martial arts class. I was asking her! Of course, she responded no. She was not willing to take the time to get the water she needs for the taxing class she would be attending. I started to lecture her on why she needed water and how important it was. I then proceeded to remind her of the most recent episode of dehydration we experienced, where she emptied her tummy EIGHT times in one day. Then, it hit me, a question that reverberated within me so loudly that it could only be divine. “WHY ARE YOU ARUGING WITH A SEVEN YEAR OLD? YOU KNOW BETTER THAN HER!” I paused for a moment speechless and still. My response could be only one thing. “Elisa go and get yourself some water. Don’t be lazy. You need the water and I know that better than you do. So just do it and then get into the truck.” She didn’t argue. She didn’t whine. She didn’t comment. She simply got her water and got into the truck. AMAZING! I am qualified and I am experienced enough to raise my children. I have something to teach them. I have something to impart into their lives. God thinks so. Why didn’t I?