Another Look at Feral Christianity

What does it mean to me now to be a Feral Christian? I ask myself this question once in a while. Does it mean that I am a wild woman doing whatever I want? Does it mean that I am crazy and weird? What does it mean? To be feral means to exist in a natural state, as animals or plants; not domesticated or cultivated; wild. As I endeavor to apply that concept to my faith I find it takes on many meanings to me. Here are my thoughts on it today.
I possess certain personality traits, whether handed down to me by my parents genetically or learned as a result of my environment. I often feel I struggle against certain aspects of my personality. Those struggles lead me to believe that maybe I was trained to abandon certain aspects of my personality that I should have clung to. I realize I am making little sense so I will draw on an example from my life as a parent.
My daughter and son are very strong willed. They are headstrong and persistent. My husband and I are training them to use that strength to glorify God. The struggle we have is this: we don't want to drive that persistence out of them, but we need them to be able to submit to godly authority. The easier task would be to teach them to stop being strong-willed, BUT isn't that a part of their personality that God has put in them?
I watch my children play and run and laugh and giggle and envy them their carefree mentality. Can't I as an adult maintain a portion of the childlikeness? Instead I was taught that I must grow up and mature. While I agree that I must mature in my faith, isn't there some room for that childlike heart? Doesn't God tell us that our hearts are to be pure as children's hearts in Matthew 18? I'm not suggesting that I revert to my adolescence and act immaturely, but I possessed an innocence, a naive courage, a wildness that only the young possess. I aim to get back to that part of me. That part of me believed that God could do anything through me. That part of me believed that God was bigger than the air I breath. That part of me was wild with wonder and amazement at the God I served. That is the feral Christianity I speak of. A return to the natural state God intended me to exist in, uncultivated and undomesticated, tended only by His divine hand.


Travis Hart said...

Playing with children, I can giggle, and that is a funny sound. Aren't we called to have a child like faith also ;-). Great thoughts.

Travis Hart said...

Playing with children, I can giggle, and that is a funny sound. Aren't we called to have a child like faith also ;-). Great thoughts.