You Personal Best

So this week we seem to have a theme going. My daughter and son play sports and I've heard them say a few times now that they aren't concerned about winning. I thought this was a good idea to have with regard to sports. We don't want them to be consumed with winning, but I realized what they meant with this statement. "I am not concerned with winning, so I won't give my best effort." Now, I don't want them to be obsessed with being better with everyone else, but I do want them to be the best that they can be. I want them to take Ecclesiastes 9:10 to heart. I want them to do whatever their hands find to do with all of their might. I want to do whatever my hand finds to do with all of my might. So our motto has become: Work hard to give 100% and winning takes care of itself. We can't always win. We tell our kids that. There is always someone better than you. But if you give 100% you can walk away from the game (in this case) knowing you gave your all.