Passing on My Faith to the Kids

Okay so I've been challenged by God lately to pass my faith on to my kids in a very deliberate way. I usually do by accident, but the time has come to get deliberate about it. I had a Bible time with them this morning and it was so neat to be able to share my faith with them. It was, of course, at an eight year old and six year old level. But it was very exciting to be able to share how God works in me with them. They had questions and comments and were interacting in a way I've never experienced before. I'm sure not all our times will be like this, but what a neat way to start. We did Bible time yesterday and they were apprehensive to say the least. But today, when I walked out with my Bible in hand, they were excited to start. I'm not sure if it's because we're reading the Bible or if it's because they get to hear about Mommy and how God has helped her. Either way, I look forward to more of our times together.