A Sky Window and That's All

Today's Reading Gen 6-8; Luke 3 - Following the Life Journal Reading Plan
Today's reading in Genesis told the famous story of Noah. I was struck by the directions to make an 18" hole at the top of the ark. This hole would later be the only view out of the ark. The window to the outside world showed only the sky. There was no other way for Noah to see out of the ark. There were no other directions given for windows. How would Noah see? No, there was no way for Noah to know whether the water had gone down enough to leave the ark except through the signs provided by God via the birds. The window did not allow him to see the earth. It did not afford him the opportunity to make his own judgment as to whether or not it was safe to emerge the ark that held them captive for nearly a year. He was solely dependent on God's timing. THE STORY OF MY LIFE! There are times God only allows me to see the sky of my life. It is usually after a storm has raged through and seemingly destroyed everything around me. I am unsure of what is going on outside and really wish I knew, but alas I must wait for the sign from God. I don't know about you, but this is usually a very uncomfortable time for me. It is also a great time for me to learn, if I can keep from jumping the gun. I have a tendency to move whether I hear God or not and must constantly fight the urge to act alone. If I can control my desire, God usually comes through and I learn valuable lessons. Otherwise, I will have to take that test again.