
Did you know that it's hard to love? It is truly a commitment. It's easy to offer the love, but the only way it can work is if you are willing to receive it. You've got to be willing to open your heart and allow someone to come in. It's like allowing someone into your home. They come in and check things out, maybe pick up that old picture frame you've had for years. Let's hope they don't drop it or break it. You notice their feet are covered in mud and they are tracking mud throughout your home. It is scary and at times overwhelming just to let people into your house, how do you let people into your heart? The only answer I can find to this question lately, is God. You trust God. You don't trust the person, because people let you down. People fail you. People are messed up and I am one of those messed up people so I know what I am talking about. But God is perfect and God has never let me down. He's made me wonder sometimes, but He's always come through. I have been experimenting with this lately. We've been offered the opportunity to love someone who cannot really offer anything in return. I will admit, it has been a painful experience, but I am learning so much about God's love. AND I am seeing that as we allow God to use us to love this person, HE is able to minister to ALL of us. God is so cool.


lady said...

oh my goodness you need to read this amazing's so beautiful and romantic and such a blessing.

Captivating by Staci and John Eldredge

it will change your life...and open the eyes of your heart to a romance with Love himself..
it's so amazing nothing like you've ever picked up....READ IT

lady said...

oh my goodness you need to read this amazing's so beautiful and romantic and such a blessing.

Captivating by Staci and John Eldredge

it will change your life...and open the eyes of your heart to a romance with Love himself..
it's so amazing nothing like you've ever picked up....READ IT