Christmas Time Is Here

As we baked cookies, watched the Muppet's Christmas Carol, and put up the Christmas tree (which will be decorated tonight), I realized that Christmas time is here! I love this time of year. It's so magical for us. We watch the world transform from a bleak and dismal place into a bright and still somewhat dismal place. Yes it is true nothing has really changed. Mean people are still rude. Bad people are still angry and hostile. BUT Good people seem to come out of hiding. The love and joy they possess infiltrates the world for a brief moment. Christmas is about Jesus and the ultimate gift He gave. Not many people acknowledge that with their words. but whether they admit it or not, He is the reason for the season. I saw a young man's wish list this year (he is in the foster care system). He had put down the typical teenager requests and I'm sure his foster family will do their best to give him what they can. But what pierced my heart was his final request...LOVE. How we take love for granted! How we assume it will always be there. The love that others offer us so freely often goes unnoticed or unappreciated. Meanwhile, back on my ranch, I choose to absorb and offer love. After all, isn't that what Christmas is truly about?