I'm Losing My Voice

In this society, it is easy to fall under the illusion that we are connected to the world. Text messaging, instant messaging, and e-mail make it possible to have relationships without ever speaking a word. I am truly convinced, though, that my relationships are suffering because I choose not to use my voice. It's easy to move my fingers and feel I am enlightening the world, but am I? My voice in the lives of the people I love most cannot be lost. I can text message my husband that I love him, but if I don't back that up here at home, how is he to believe. If I write a note to my children expressing love, but never take the time to show that love, how will they believe.
God wrote the Bible using people here on earth, but He is constantly leaving examples of His love on the world around us. Mere words were not enough, He put actions to those words and still continues to do so.
So here is my question to the few of you who are reading. How can we keep our voice from going silent in this age of technology? I would love to hear your ideas.