What I Do Well

I've been doing too much and I've put a stop to it. I have done this before. It's a habit I have. Just when I think I've overcome it, I get hit with the temptation again. I feel I have passed a test of sorts with this latest scenario I found myself in. My family did not suffer. Usually I offer them up on the altar of my own ambition, this time I was able to keep them in their appointed place. I am slightly embarrassed at my performance outside of the home, but not enough to make me feel too terribly sad.
I admire Dr. Laura Schlessinger for her no nonsense approach to morality and ethics, and recently I heard her say, "You should only do what you can do well." I wholeheartedly agree. I sometimes wish I could handle an overflowing schedule with finesse and ease. I wish I had more hours in a day so I could do all I want to do. But I cannot. There are only two things I can do well. These two things are those I feel passionately about. Motherhood and marriage. Anything that is associated with those two roles of my life, I will do well. Anything else, will just have to wait. Realize this isn't an easy realization for me. I do have dreams of writing and public speaking. But I have chosen children and marriage and I must now back up my choice. I must choose daily to do those things well. I must choose daily to accept that those dreams may never become a reality. I must choose daily to accept that while I may never be known for my great skill, I will be known by my children and husband for the love I offer them every day. And in the end, that legacy will be one that lives forever.