Control-Freak or Determined

Did you ever wake up, get fifteen minutes into your day and realize, "I am so totally blowing this day?" I mean, how does it happen? You haven't even been awake for an hour and you've already made more bad choices than the day before. You lament to anyone who will listen, "I just want to crawl back into bed and go to sleep." Unfortunately, as an adult, you are rarely afforded that luxury. As a mother, it feels like you are NEVER afforded that luxury. You hop into the shower, when the kids are occupied and vow to remain there until you have regained control of your emotional/mental state. You ponder, is there such a shower? Is it possible experience such a shower with the power to help you regain control without turning into a prune? Twenty minutes later, you emerge, somewhat refreshed. You're not quite sure if you have succeeded in regaining control, but you are prepared to try. Besides, any longer in the shower and the kids may take over the house.
I learned something today. No matter how my day starts, I still have control over how it finishes. I may lose composure for a brief moment, but I can still choose to reel it back in. The frustrating truth is this: It must be MY choice. My wonderful man can do all within his power to woo me back into a good mood, but alas, it is my choice. I must be determined to make it a good day, no matter what I was handed.