
This week, I was honored with the opportunity to attend the annual retreat held by the high school for which my husband coaches. During the two days we were there one of the adult chaperone's was bitten by something. We still don't know what it was, but it appeared to have feasted on her forearm. She did require medical attention, but was able to rejoin us after her trip to the nearby urgent care. When she returned she was greeted by her son and daughter, who were on the trip with us. They hugged and loved on her with such genuine love and concern. I was moved. The thought ran through my mind, "I want my children to love me that way".
I was struck by the selfishness of my thought almost immediately, and yes it was selfish on my part. I want MY children to love ME. I am contending to be a godly mother and making sure my kids love me shouldn't be my goal for them. My strain of thoughts must move in a different direction. If I am striving to be a godly mother what would my next thought be? I want my children to be capable of offering such genuine love and concern to those God puts around them. How can I equip them? I must model it. I must learn to offer genuine love and concern to those God has placed around me. Did anyone else hear that slap? I do not love in this manner. Unless I change my heart they will not learn it from me. I can change that. I'm not sure how, but I know I can. And so, God has once again provided clarity regarding my motherhood.