My Sweet Spot

My pastor asked me recently to think about what my "sweet spot" might be. This isn't anything indecent, lest I give the wrong idea, this is an effort to discover where my heart to minister lies. After thinking about it for nearly week, I think I am starting to discover where my heart lies. My heart lies in the well-being of children. If I could accomplish anything with this life of mine, it would be to make sure that every child has what they need to have a happy, healthy, normal childhood. A childhood free of abuse, and neglect. I would love to ensure that each child is valued and treasured as the holders of our future. This would be my life's effort. It has begun with my children and will continue long after they are grown. I pray I do a job worthy of my call. Children are what we leave behind and I know what others have left behind is hurt, anger, pain, and rage. We see it everyday. I'd like to be one who leaves behind love, joy, peace, value, and purpose. That would be my sweet spot.