Too Much

As I'm going through this week, I'm wondering how this word "feral" fits into my Christianity. I hear so many comments made about how peaceful Jesus was and how calming his presence must have been. Is this true? When you think about it, He did some pretty loud, controversial, far fetched things. Turning the money changers table over is just ONE example. Is it possible to be peaceful without being quiet and mild mannered? Is it possible to live life on the edge with God and have a spirit of peace? Is this what we as Christians are challenged to find? I don't know. I'd like to find out. I'll let you know how it goes. All I have to say is that life on the edge so far is proving to be more interesting than what I normally do. When I lay my head on my pillow at night I am truly spent.


Travis Hart said...


I love the name of your blog. I think you have done a wonderful job of collecting your thoughts and exposing a very difficult part of yourself. I commend you. Well done!

I think that Christ was passionate about what he was called to do. I think the peace that people felt while being around him was the sprit of God calming their hearts. We to can be passionate about what we are called to do, while at the same time filling others around us with that same calming feeling that Christ had.

How do we do that is another question all together. What are your thoughts???

Angie said...

My thoughts on how to be passionate about what He called us to do.... hmmmm...What is passionate? The word means having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling. Maybe this is why I struggle so much with serving God on His terms. I am waiting to be passionate about it. I am not always struck with the feeling of wanting to serve God. Sometimes, it is just too much. Serving God is complicated and messy and time consuming. One cannot merely serve God with one aspect of their life. If one is to do it well, one must commit oneself to serving God. It affects all areas of my life. If I serve God in my parenting, it begins to affect my marriage. If I serve God in my marriage, it begins to seep into the quality of my friendships. And if the feeling should dissipate, then I am really in trouble.
I suppose that was a long rambling to your question, let me put it in a few short words to sum the insanity up.
I cannot wait for the passion to well up within me. I must decide to DEVOTE my life to God's call or not. If I devote myself, I am setting my life apart or dedicating my life by a solemn or formal act. It is a choice and a promise, not a feeling. It cannot be governed by a feeling for it was not made on a feeling. Feelings are what get us into trouble. Feelings fade. Feelings of love fade, feelings of hate fade. Feelings of frustration fade. Feelings of happiness fade. Feelings are not reality. So my relationship with God cannot be based on a feeling. It must be made on my choice. Those would be my thoughts.

Travis Hart said...


I love the name of your blog. I think you have done a wonderful job of collecting your thoughts and exposing a very difficult part of yourself. I commend you. Well done!

I think that Christ was passionate about what he was called to do. I think the peace that people felt while being around him was the sprit of God calming their hearts. We to can be passionate about what we are called to do, while at the same time filling others around us with that same calming feeling that Christ had.

How do we do that is another question all together. What are your thoughts???

Angie said...

My thoughts on how to be passionate about what He called us to do.... hmmmm...What is passionate? The word means having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling. Maybe this is why I struggle so much with serving God on His terms. I am waiting to be passionate about it. I am not always struck with the feeling of wanting to serve God. Sometimes, it is just too much. Serving God is complicated and messy and time consuming. One cannot merely serve God with one aspect of their life. If one is to do it well, one must commit oneself to serving God. It affects all areas of my life. If I serve God in my parenting, it begins to affect my marriage. If I serve God in my marriage, it begins to seep into the quality of my friendships. And if the feeling should dissipate, then I am really in trouble.
I suppose that was a long rambling to your question, let me put it in a few short words to sum the insanity up.
I cannot wait for the passion to well up within me. I must decide to DEVOTE my life to God's call or not. If I devote myself, I am setting my life apart or dedicating my life by a solemn or formal act. It is a choice and a promise, not a feeling. It cannot be governed by a feeling for it was not made on a feeling. Feelings are what get us into trouble. Feelings fade. Feelings of love fade, feelings of hate fade. Feelings of frustration fade. Feelings of happiness fade. Feelings are not reality. So my relationship with God cannot be based on a feeling. It must be made on my choice. Those would be my thoughts.