To Those Mothers

To those mothers who have screaming children today
To those mothers who cried of sheer exhaustion
To those mothers who didn't get a shower today
To those mothers who can't remember her social security number let alone her birthdate
To those mothers who nursed a fussy baby today
To those mothers who ate her childrens lunch leftovers
To those mothers who watched yet another episode of the Wiggles today
To those mothers who know every word of every Dora song
To those mothers who carried a child within her womb today
To those mothers who carried a child in her arms
To those mothers who worried about her child today
To those mothers who worry everyday
To those mothers who celebrated a child's milestone today
To those mothers who celebrated a naptime
To those mothers who I stand shoulder to shoulder with....we are changing the world.

I found this picture today, and I remember thinking "When will the insanity be over?"
It isn't over yet, but time is passing too fast now. I used to call my mother during those stressed moments and she would always answer "This too shall pass." She was right. But secretly, sometimes I wish for those days.