Religious No More...Relevance Please

I've been a Christian for most of my life. I gave my heart to Jesus when I was 6 years old. I think it was a serious decision, because my whole life I have pursued the Godly life. It has not bee a popular life I have led, nor has it been the easy life, but I do have to say that I have had a blessed life. It's a life full of mistakes and failures, but it has also been a life full of love and blessings.
I find myself again searching for the Godly path. Being a Christian these days seems to be a bit confusing to me and I have begun asking some questions that I am sure will again put me on the wrong side of the line; but I really think these questions need to be asked of us as followers of God.
Am I relevant in my world today? The word relevant means having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand...what are the matters at hand in my life?
The past year has been full of the people I love making imperfect decisions, being imperfect people, and doing imperfect things. It has been full of news of illness, pain, and parasites (I HAVE to laugh about that). This year I have realized that life will not go how I planned it to go no matter what I try to do to control it. So what is the matter at hand in my life? How will we respond when life doesn't go the way we planned it to go? Following my rules, adhering to my guidelines, shutting out those who are imperfect, and reasoning that those who suffer do so because of their sin, doesn't seem to be relevant. It has no significant or demonstrable bearing on the matters at hand. This isn't the way Jesus lived His life.
I set out to find out how my Christianity would change if I took it outside of the neatly arranged box I had it in with this blog. It has taken me a year and a half to work up the nerve to pull God out of the box. What follows in the next few posts will make no sense to the religious, but I hope it makes the religious think about how they limit God. I, personally, am ready to explore the God of the Bible; the maker of heaven and earth, the God who parted the Red Sea, the God who made the earth stand still while Joshua fought Israelite enemies, the God who consumed Elijah's drenched offering by fire, the God who would send his only son to suffer and die on the cross for my sin, the God who would raise him from the dead, the God who wants to have a personal relationship with me and you, the God who would never impose on my free will to make that choice. I want to be a follower of THAT God.