Mistake #4 - Living The Uptight Life

It's easy to get caught up in the craziness of this life. This year I realized that time goes by so fast. I look back over the year and wish I had slowed down a little more, worried less, stopped to enjoy the sunset, soak up life and it's happenings rather than trying to beat the clock to the next event. So much was done in a hurry that I forgot to notice how my kids are growing so quickly.
There's no reason to elaborate on this topic. You know what I'm trying to say. I'll just tell you how I'm trying to remedy this problem.

1. Laugh at least once a day.
2. Dance instead of letting your temper get the best of you, doing it alone will encourage you to get into it.
3. Smell the roses - no literally I smell the roses on trips to costco. This is my routine with my girl. We stop and smell the roses.
4. Play a game with someone. We have kids so they get involved, but it's a fun way to pass the time.
5. Do a puzzle.
6. Let your kid read a book to you. It is a slow process but it's so cool to watch them get into the book.

Those are just a few we're trying here, but slow down and do let yourself get to uptight about things you won't remember next year when the ball drops.
Okay side bar, was anyone else both sad and admiring of Dick Clark's brave effort to do one last New Year's Eve show? Ahhhh....that's courage.