Sleep Deprived

I'm a little cloudy minded today. I realize it's only 8a and I'm allowed a little cloudiness, but it has to do more with the knowledge that I have a long day ahead of me. My good-hearted boy will be preparing for his EEG today. What that involves is staying awake until 1a and waking at 5a tomorrow morning. He needs to be a bit sleep deprived, and since he is only 9, mommy will need to be there to make sure it happens in a safe manner. I'm not so nervous about the outcome of the test. Either way, it will be useful information. I'm more nervous about doing my day with as little emotion as possible. I tend to be on the emotional side when I am sleep deprived. Okay, I'm off.


DC Le Peau said...

will be praying for both you and I..hope they come up with some results. cpeau

DC Le Peau said...

will be praying for both you and I..hope they come up with some results. cpeau