Baby Borrowers

Okay so I've been sucked into this series called the Baby Borrowers. I swore I wouldn't keep watching it, but I've been amazed at the whole idea. I'm not one for reality-shows. My own reality often is enough for me to handle let alone getting caught up in someone else's reality. However, my friend Hopsy and I watched the season premiere of the show and were shocked by the whole experiment. The premise is that a teen age couple gets a shot at being parents. They are cocky teen agers who know everything and think their parents are just clueless as to their abilities and capabilities. Last night they showed how the teens interacted with the toddlers they were given. As I watched, I began to remember how much work John and I put into those years. I had actually forgotten. It was good to see. As I awoke this morning, and was immediately faced with the children, who I cannot give back in three days, and my own reality. They came into the house and presented me with a problem they had found outside. I gave them, what I thought was, a pretty simple solution. Their answer was, "Ehh, I'll just wait until you do it". WHAT?! If I hadn't watched the show last night I might have just gone on, frustrated that I would have to go and solve this problem for them. But I remembered. I remembered the time I have put into these miraculous little humans. I remembered that I have been pooped on, peed on, thrown up on, sneezed on, boogered on, spit at, yelled at, kicked at, swung at, screamed at, bitten, hit, kicked, and I realized...I have done alot. I kept them alive, I kept them fed, I kept them comforted and safe. So, I responded to the beautiful little faces that live in my home, in the only way I felt appropriate, "Get out there and fix the problem yourselves, now!" They went. They now feel accomplished, and I know I'm doing a good job. Not to mention, I get to finish my morning cup of coffee.