Blood Donor

I'm an official blood donor. My kids saw a swarm of people crossing the street as we drove to their theater camp and asked what a blood donor was. I explained blood donors in seven and nine year old terms. Their next question was, "Have you done that, Mom?". Of course that was the next question, right? I responded that I had once long ago, but probably should do it again. They agreed and asked if I would turn the music back up. I was going to blow it off, but something in me (most likely my conscious) urged me not to blow it off. So, after I dropped the kids off at theater camp, I headed over to the neighborhood Red Cross and donated. There I found out that the walkers were people who volunteered or worked for the Red Cross. I also learned that they were walking to bring attention to the fact that the local chapter of the American Red Cross needs 23,000 donors for the summer supply. I'm proud to have brought the number down to 22,999. We, as a family, always talk about giving back to our community. It's kind of nice to know that I have actively done it, and I'm scheduled to do it again in 8 weeks.