Perfect Peace

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you.

Today this is my focus. There is so much that happens in the life of one person and it can, at times seem too much to take it. Bills, homework, housework, kids, spouses, pets, extended family, they all add up and if one is not careful, one can crack under the pressure. But in Isaiah, I read that God will keep in perfect peace, ME. What a promise! God can keep me in perfect peace amidst the chaos of life. Don't get me wrong, it isn't bad. I love my family. They are a huge part of my life and I love them so desperately. I want nothing more for them than to see God make their story a beautiful one. And as my husband and I endeavor to provide a solid Godly foundation for them, God points out the changes required in us to be the kind of parents they need. It isn't easy. It's hard and painful. At times, I don't want to make the changes, but I am committed to this calling of parenthood. So, I turn to Isaiah 26:3.

Isaiah states the promise that God is offering is conditional. It will require work and effort on my part. God will keep me in perfect peace, but I am required to offer something in exchange. I am asked to keep my mind steadfast as a result of my trust in him. This trust is something I have been examining for quite some time now. It isn't an easy concept and each person must come to this point on their own. But the steadfastness of my mind is a result of the trust I have chosen to place in God. As I choose to trust God, I can keep my mind steadfast and thus fulfill my portion of this promise.

Today I choose to trust God. He has never let me down. He has always come through for me. I admit, it isn't always the way I want Him to come through for me, but He does come through. So I will choose to trust and choose to keep my mind steadfast.