What The Heck Is Going On Here?!

What the heck is going on here?! Something is going on inside of my heart, my mind and scarier still...the depths of who I am.  I've been a Christian my whole life and I have never felt a passion stirring in me for those who don't know Jesus.  I can't stop talking about Him.  I can't stop thinking about Him.  If I didn't know better I would say I'm a new believer.  But I know what's really going on.  I've been praying that God would change my heart and soften it for Him and His people.  It's happening.  How have I gone this long without feeling this passion? If I didn't feel such an undescribable joy, I would feel sad about it.
So let me caution you who have called yourself Christian now.  Do not let your heart be hardened.  Don't start to think the way the world thinks.  God is big.  God is powerful.  But so much more importantly, God is loving.  and the best way for us to make His name famous is to allow Him to plant that love inside of our hearts.
Our church is going through a new series.  Building a City Within a City.  It is a study on Nehemiah.  The first one was awesome.  The pastor man referenced a Saturday night where he preached to 11 of us.  I remember that night.  I remember asking God that night if we were in the right place.  I saw how many people were there and it didn't look good.  I asked God for a sign.  Boy did He give me one.  That pastor man walked out on to the stage and preached.  He remembers sounding angry, I remember him sounding passionate.  I remember being floored by the passion with which he preached...to all 11 of us.  I've been asking God for the same passion.  It's taken a while, but I think I see sparks of it in my heart.  Are you passionate about God?  And if you are not, really start asking yourself, why?