Fears & Insecurities

Fear and Insecurity seem to be a predominant theme in my life right now. I have fears and insecurities and I deal with them in a particular way. I know they are there and I work hard in God's grace, wisdom, and power not to let them overwhelm me. I know they are the very things that will damage my ministry as a wife, mother, and woman if I entertain them.
I know I am not the only one who battles with fear and insecurity, however, I wonder. What are the fears and insecurities others battle? How do we as Christians battle with fear and insecurity? Is it different than how the world battles it? Why don't we talk about our fears and insecurities more? Isn't that what helps us to gain the upper hand in relation to our fears and insecurities?
These are just questions I am asking today.