A New Name

Our church had it's first service with it's new name and in a new building. It was different in a good way. I think our kids weren't sure what to expect being in a different location, and so they were a little apprehensive. I'm so glad they had this experience. On the way home Saturday night, our teenager said, "So, the only thing that has changed is the building? We are still the same people and the same beliefs? That's cool." I'm so glad they are learning at a young age that church isn't about a building or a name, it's about the people in the community and how they treat each other. It's about how we show our love for each other. Jars of Clay did a great version of They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love and I think of this song when I think of our church. It has been a long time coming, but I truly feel like we are in a community that is dedicated to being true examples of God's love. In Acts, that kind of community changed the world.