Happy Anniversary

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 12th anniversary. It was a neat day. I know some women like a big production on their anniversary, but I'm more inclined to sentiment. Some have asked what I gifts I received and I have to giggle when I tell them. They make no sense to anyone but me. I received a book titled "The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage", a Tinkerbell coffee cup, sparring gear for my martial arts class, and a dozen roses. For those of you who are appalled at my husband's selection I must clarify, because I never want anyone to accuse my MAN of being unromantic. The book is written by one of my role models, Dr. Laura Schlessinger. She's taught me a lot about life, parenthood, marriage, and morals through her nagging. I like to joke that my mother is my mother and Dr. Laura is my father. So my MAN gave me her newest book, the one I have been wanting but will never buy for myself, because it is a frivolity. The sparring gear is another frivolity I have been putting off. I need it to better myself at my martial art, but it's cost could be used elsewhere. Again, my MAN came through. The coffee cup is a symbol, of his love for me. I love Tink. She is sassy and brave. All the things I aspire to be. And while I love Tink it is the cup, or rather what the cup symbolizes. Each night my husband prepares coffee for me. It is the smell I awake to. I wake to the smell and the reminder that the night before my husband delayed his evening relaxation to make coffee, so I could enjoy a cup while I did my quiet time. My coffee cup is with my at this moment. It is with this reminder of love that I go about my day. I am able to be the mother to his children. I am challenged in every detail of my day to say thank you with my acts of service and kindness to this wonderful man who's gifts may be unromantic to anyone else, but speak volumes about passion and romance than any gift he could ever give me. Twelve years has taught me this lesson. I was a brat when we first began. I am so thankful that he has been patient with me and has loved me with a love that only God could give him. He has been a true example of what God's love must be like.