Building on A Shaky Foundation

Today's Reading ~ Genesis 15-17; Luke 6

Luke 6:46-49
It is difficult to build. That is just a given. It's difficult to build anything solid on a shaky foundation. However, if it is your foundation, there is no hesitation to dig it up and start over. But what proves to be most difficult is building on a shaky foundation that you didn't lay. Everything you attempt to build is in jeopard of toppling over. The work is overwhelmingly futile. What do you do? You didn't lay the foundation. I suppose the obvious answer is to dig it up and start over. Level it all and lay a more stable, stronger foundation. There's one final obstacle. Deadlines. Is it still a good idea? Is it possible to pull up the foundation, relay it, rebuild, and have it ready in time? I like to think that I can see clearly in a difficult situation. I like to think that no matter what I FEEL like doing, I can look past to SEE what is the RIGHT, GODLY thing to do. I can't seem to find that this time. This isn't a building of cement and bricks, this is a building of flesh and bone. We really don't want to mess this one up.