I Wonder

Today I wanted to post something of value, something of intelligence, but alas, I have nothing intelligent to say, so why would it be of value. I have no words of wisdom. I do however, want to pose a question. Do all humans stop periodically and examine their lives? Do they wonder why God put them here? Do they wonder what purpose they serve? Am I alone in this habit?
I don't know. But I do wonder.


Travis Hart said...


These are some good questions. I don't wonder why God put me here, but I do sometimes wonder if I am doing what He wants me to be doing at times. I think it comes down to spending time with him and seeing his direction and being obedient with that direction. The more time I spend with God the better/clearer my direction in life becomes.

JR said...

You are not alone, but you will be soon as more and more people, who share simular drives as you, slowly succumb to the pressures of always needing to be helium happy, and mentally weightless to fit in.
Best of luck!
I like your Blog

JR said...

You are not alone, but you will be soon as more and more people, who share simular drives as you, slowly succumb to the pressures of always needing to be helium happy, and mentally weightless to fit in.
Best of luck!
I like your Blog

Travis Hart said...


These are some good questions. I don't wonder why God put me here, but I do sometimes wonder if I am doing what He wants me to be doing at times. I think it comes down to spending time with him and seeing his direction and being obedient with that direction. The more time I spend with God the better/clearer my direction in life becomes.

JR said...

You are not alone, but you will be soon as more and more people, who share simular drives as you, slowly succumb to the pressures of always needing to be helium happy, and mentally weightless to fit in.
Best of luck!
I like your Blog

JR said...

You are not alone, but you will be soon as more and more people, who share simular drives as you, slowly succumb to the pressures of always needing to be helium happy, and mentally weightless to fit in.
Best of luck!
I like your Blog