
I realized this morning that I missed the bible study group I belong to. I belong to it. They are my people. I realize some will blog site out sometime soon, or not, and wanted to share a part of what I think about them. I belong to this group. We had not met for a couple of weeks and I had grown cranky and couldn't figure out why. After our meeting last night, I woke this morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on another day. Why? Is it that I can be silly, crazy, vulnerable, weak, and strong all at the same time with these women and not be judged? Is it that I can be myself with them and know they understand that I am who I am? They don't try to change me. They don't try to convince me I am not thinking or feeling what I know I am. I can walk into my group and be cranky and no one feels they need to get me out of my mood. They accept it and adjust. We all do it with each other. One lady was a little irritable last night and she let us know up front. We didn't feel compelled to find out how we could get her out of her mood. She was allowed to be in her mood without anyone trying to fix it. I love my group. They are my friends. Isn't it nice to say that? My friends. After all these years, I have real friends. We are all twisted in our own ways and yet, we get along so well. Maybe it is because we are so twisted that we get along so well. I don't know for sure, but I do know I feel refreshed today.