Feral Christianity...revisited

So as I've been on this journey, I've been referring back to the feral part of my Christianity. I still don't have all the answers, but I do know one thing for sure today. I understand the warrior desires in me. I am to use that warrior spirit to make war on behalf of my children. Their lives are so important and valuable. Unfortunately, society places more value on the safety of children and little importance on their character. They are so safe and protected and their character has been compromised. They cannot make mistakes and fail because there are safety's in place for everything. So I must fight the desire to keep them bubble wrapped and allow them to venture into the age appropriate aspects of their world and make choices good or bad. I must fight to keep the barrage of doubts in their place and move forward despite my insecurity. I will fight to provide character development opportunities despite my desire to cocoon them. I will fight to be confident despite my apprehension. It's alot to fight so it good I have alot of fight. I WILL FIGHT!