Great Stress Ball, Batman!

Okay, so this week was CRAZY! It seems like every single aspect of our lives got hit. It's mostly life stuff but WOW! The opportunity to fail big time arose several times this week. Usually I am a stress ball during this season and I really don't like being that way. I tend to be short tempered with my children and combative with my man. I am proud to announce that only one child lost their head, and that was a completely legitimate beheading. Hubby and I were able to stay close and connected. He is a great source of strength for me and I know God has given him to me as the greatest gift one woman can ever receive. I am still feeling the stress but trying to let the people around me help more. They tend to like it better when I let them help as opposed to watching me run around and stressing. Things don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon, but I know I've got a great support system here. I did feel a little guilty at one point. Ladies, back me up here. You know how you get to that point of tiredness when all you can do is cry? No one has done anything and you aren't angry or sad, you're just tired. That happened and I felt so bad that the poor man witnessing it looked like he felt completely helpless. Sorry about that man. I'm really okay. Nothing a glass of wine and two good nights of sleep couldn't fix. Well, I'm off to prepare for the week. I leave myself with one final thought:
With God, all things are possible. With friends, whatever God asks me to do is possible.


DC Le Peau said...

"...I know God has given him to me as the greatest gift one woman can ever receive"

i feel the same way~ :) and don't worry..he's getting practice dealing with crying for no reason! thanks for EVERYTHING angie (camp stuff too-i know without you it wouldn't happen) the party was great! cpeau

DC Le Peau said...

"...I know God has given him to me as the greatest gift one woman can ever receive"

i feel the same way~ :) and don't worry..he's getting practice dealing with crying for no reason! thanks for EVERYTHING angie (camp stuff too-i know without you it wouldn't happen) the party was great! cpeau